Brett and Kim

Brett and Kim
Our Story - Brett, Kimi, Curtis, Cadence and Callie Dyke

About Me

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Goddard, KS, United States
I am one of the fortunate few who married my very bestfriend! Brett and I started dating when I was a sophmore in highschool, and have been together ever since! So I don't know life without Brett in it, and I wouldn't want to. He has given me so many wonderful things over our 14 years together. However the most precious are our children. I am making this blog for them. One day hopefully they will be able to get some of the joy back they have given to me by reading this!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Saying Good-Bye

At first we thought that we would leave Curtis and Cadence here in Wichita with their Grandma Cindy while we went to Oklahoma for my Aunt Ruby’s funeral. However my Grandma Winsor really wanted everyone together, and I felt that it was really important to honor her wishes. So Sunday we all (8 cars full of Winsors) headed down to Edmond Oklahoma for my Aunt Ruby’s viewing. I have to be honest I was nauseous just about all of the way down there. I didn’t really want to see her,but I guess it would have been weird if I had been looking forward to it... It was about 4:00 when we all arrived in Oklahoma. This was super rough, for everyone.. However I was so proud to be a Winsor this day. The way everyone loved and supported one another. All that was missing was Roo ;(



Cadie working on her alphabet while driving.. Kylie came to our room after swimming Sunday night, we LOVE being around the twins!!


Curtis and Cadie did really well sleeping. Curt was a little perturbed that his sister kept touching him Winking smile But this didn’t last long.


This is a picture taken after my Aunt Ruby’s funeral. My children have been blessed with such a large family. This isn’t the best picture, my cousin took it for me with my cell phone, although for a cell phone, it’s not too bad!

After a funeral at 10:00 we left the church at 1:00 and headed straight for Maize, KS where we had another ‘service’ this was just as sad as the first ;( Afterwards our church was so wonderful to provide a meal for everyone at my Aunt Roxanne and Uncle Danny’s shed.

We ended up getting home out ten till nine Monday evening. About 4:00 in the morning, this morning Curtis came down to my room in tears. I thought he was perhaps sleep walking again, however I could tell that he was in fact awake. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he was sad. That while he was sleeping he saw Grandma Billups and it made his head sad. - I explained that he must have had a dream. I am sure this came from the events of our day.

This still seems very unreal, that she is actually gone. Thanksgiving will be different, Christmas.. everything will be different in the coming years. However I get such a peace knowing that she had a personal relationship with my Jesus! I don’t understand why she had to leave us so young, but I know that His ways are so much higher than my ways. One day it will all make sense.

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