Brett and Kim

Brett and Kim
Our Story - Brett, Kimi, Curtis, Cadence and Callie Dyke

About Me

My photo
Goddard, KS, United States
I am one of the fortunate few who married my very bestfriend! Brett and I started dating when I was a sophmore in highschool, and have been together ever since! So I don't know life without Brett in it, and I wouldn't want to. He has given me so many wonderful things over our 14 years together. However the most precious are our children. I am making this blog for them. One day hopefully they will be able to get some of the joy back they have given to me by reading this!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


i *love* lucas' face in this =)
lucas and cadence
curtis and levi
cadie has been REALLY sad to watch curtis leave for the pool (a-poo, in cadie lingo)
the coupe days he has been able to go with someone else
so i did some calling around and the aqua armor was my only find
that was with in budget (although grandma carol got it, thanks) this is supposed
to be seal around the arm and keep her cast dry
First thought, okay i can do this...
she was not crazy about the blue ring, although she did finally decide to just deal with it and get in

tonight was the FIRST night we have all been over to my grandma's pool
it was so much *fun*
(well everyone but kelly and ben)

This is a little closer picture of her aqua armor

my dad even came over =)
i can count on one hand (in my 26 years of life) the times my dad
has been in my grandmas pool!! we were so glad he came over, the grandkids
were SUPER excited!!
i am pretty sure that the BIG boys have more fun then the little boys!!
it's a good think our kids get along because their daddy have become quite the
the buddies lately.. i'm just glad brett has a gym buddy =)
what a blessed evening ~ i have been given way more than i deserve, and cherish
my many blessings (even my brother-in-law)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun. Did you get to use your fun pampered chef pitcher?
