Brett and Kim

Brett and Kim
Our Story - Brett, Kimi, Curtis, Cadence and Callie Dyke

About Me

My photo
Goddard, KS, United States
I am one of the fortunate few who married my very bestfriend! Brett and I started dating when I was a sophmore in highschool, and have been together ever since! So I don't know life without Brett in it, and I wouldn't want to. He has given me so many wonderful things over our 14 years together. However the most precious are our children. I am making this blog for them. One day hopefully they will be able to get some of the joy back they have given to me by reading this!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wichita River Run

I was so excited that we made it in time to see Pam, Jared, and Kamen finish the 10K
Which makes my little 2 miles seem just that... little =)
Let me begin by once again stating that I am not a "Born Runner"
I am a "Want-To-Be Runner" =)
I was a little disappointed in myself today. In the fact that this mornings
two miles seemed tougher than my normal run. I am sure that the weaver through
people didn't help, but still! I wasn't ever really able to find my groove and just run!
However, I was able to shave some off of my time.
Pam had us finishing at 18:32 (I think?!?!)
Pam and I are all the way at the back... I am in front of the white van.
Brett didn't get back to the finish line in time to see us cross, but that's okay!
I will keep running for the run of it, and while I don't imagine I will
ever be a "Runner", running makes me feel good.
Pam's personality is so good for me =)

**They where ready to go home**


  1. Great job on another run!I use to enjoy running but now :-P I need some of your motivation to rub off on me!
