Brett and Kim

Brett and Kim
Our Story - Brett, Kimi, Curtis, Cadence and Callie Dyke

About Me

My photo
Goddard, KS, United States
I am one of the fortunate few who married my very bestfriend! Brett and I started dating when I was a sophmore in highschool, and have been together ever since! So I don't know life without Brett in it, and I wouldn't want to. He has given me so many wonderful things over our 14 years together. However the most precious are our children. I am making this blog for them. One day hopefully they will be able to get some of the joy back they have given to me by reading this!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tube Trouble

Friday~Saturday~Sunday and then again today Cadence has woken up with what I would call a significant amount of blood in her right ear. I had to work on Friday, but called home to check on her and my mom said that she was acting alright, other than picking at her right ear. I remember the nurse telling us that some blood was normal. I decided to give it another day and see how they looked. On Sunday I asked Mandy what she thought, and she confirmed that they didn't look good, and that wasn't a "normal" bleeding. On my way to work this morning I put in a call to the ENT nurse and let her know what was going on, and that I was wondering if she should be seen before her scheduled appointment on Friday. They agreed that she should not still have blood, and she should be seen. So I took the afternoon off to take her in. It was not a pleasant trip ;( Come to find out her tubes are completely blocked with blood clots!! After two nurses and Mommy holding her down the ENT was able to get one block out and culture the drainage.. We are now on another kind of ear drops and we will go back in a week to have her tubes rechecked. Unless I see ANY more bright red blood then I should call and have her seen that day. When we go back in a week he will have to decide then if anything else "surgical" is needing to be done to her ears.
It seems like everyone I have talked to about tubes either thought they were great or terrible.. I am hoping that after this one set back we fall under the great category, and that I made the right choice by putting her tubes in!!

1 comment:

  1. Poor girl - both of you! Will be praying things clear up.
