Brett and Kim

Brett and Kim
Our Story - Brett, Kimi, Curtis, Cadence and Callie Dyke

About Me

My photo
Goddard, KS, United States
I am one of the fortunate few who married my very bestfriend! Brett and I started dating when I was a sophmore in highschool, and have been together ever since! So I don't know life without Brett in it, and I wouldn't want to. He has given me so many wonderful things over our 14 years together. However the most precious are our children. I am making this blog for them. One day hopefully they will be able to get some of the joy back they have given to me by reading this!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sickness and Sleep-Walking


We received a letter over a month ago that 5th Disease was going around the pre-school (yuck) I googled to try and find out more. According to google, and the letter from the pre-school children will run a fever for about a week and then break out in an entire body rash. Once the rash comes out they are no longer contagious!


When I left for work on Monday morning Curtis looked normal.When I picked him up after work, he looked like this (what?!?!). This child never ran a fever and never felt bad. Cadie ran a fever for almost 2 full weeks and had a cough. She broke out in a few spots on her cheeks and they only lasted for a few days. Curt’s spots are getting a deeper red and are everywhere! I did call the doctors office and they said that the rash normally lasts 3-5 weeks.. UGGGG!


Cutis has always been a sleep walker. He has went through different types of sleep-walking. There was a time when we would find him in different places of the house (normally on the couch). Then we went through a time of night-terrors. This was terrible. Curtis would wake up screaming and crying. Brett and I would never really be able to get him awake, and he never fully made eye contact with us. Luckily this has seemed to end. However the other night we couldn’t find him.. I always panic just a little when I see his door open and his room empty.. This is where we found him..


We had gotten up and put himself in Cadie’s bed?!?! This would be why my 4-year-old still has a monitor =) That way we can hear his door open, most of the time!


  1. Poor guy, that looks no fun. Hope he's better soon!

  2. oh no! I hope they are all feeling up to par now! Thats not fun. I do like Curtis sleeping in Cadie's girly bed :)
